Rehabilitaasjesearje foar legere lid

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The lower extremity rehabilitation and training system has the function of helping the joint to recover its movement quickly after the operation, and the joint can move freely after the recovery.This system for knee, ankle area all have steady auxiliary device, can make patients arms mobile handle, active way to drive the lower limb movement, then make the legs move, the corresponding help people establish correct sensory input when motion, and guide the correct motion model, effectively improve muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, increasing proprioception control.

Lower limb rehabilitation Applicable symptoms:

Stroke, traumatic brain injury, orthopaedic surgery, coronary heart disease, obesity, spinalkordblessuere, multiple sclerosis, serebrale parse, geriatric rehabilitation

Therapeutic effects:

01) Improve the Angle of joint movement;

02) Enhance muscle strength and endurance;

03) Restrain abnormal muscle tension and relieve spasm;

04) Improve abnormal movement mode;

05) Improve balance function and movement coordination function;

06) Improve cardiopulmonary function and digestive function

Lower limb rehabilitation training should be made according to the patient’s condition and follow the principle of progressive rehabilitation training to achieve the goal of early recovery.Passive exercise: exercise performed entirely with the help of external forces, including doctors, family members, rehabilitation instruments, healthy limbs, ensfh, in order to maintain normal or existing range of motion of the joint and prevent contracture and deformation.Pay attention to do passive movement do not cause obvious pain, when touching the sense of joint adhesion, avoid violent forced movement.

The comprehensive rehabilitation training of limb function has a certain promotion effect on the improvement of brain function. Meanwhile, the functional rehabilitation training can accelerate the establishment of collateral circulation in brain tissue, promote the reorganization and compensation of brain cells around the lesion, and is conducive to theplasticityof brain tissue.

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