Contenu de l'entraînement à la marche pour la réduction du poids des équipements de rééducation

Contenu de l'entraînement à la marche pour la réduction du poids des équipements de rééducation

Contenu de l'entraînement à la marche pour la réduction du poids des équipements de rééducation

According to statistics, seul 3% à 10% des patients atteints de maladies neurologiques invalidantes ou présentant un dysfonctionnement des jambes causé par un accident peuvent retrouver leurs fonctions corporelles. Donc, pour ces gens, reprendre la marche est leur désir urgent, and also an important topic of rehabilitation medical research.The weight loss walking training introduced today is essentially a new rehabilitation treatment technology aiming at the lower limb dysfunction and improving the walking ability of users.

Donc, what’s the difference between weight loss gait training and other walking exercises?Generally traditional training emphasized the separation of do lower limb joints movement on foot, however, our true state of walking and this is little different, donc, often appears in training, poor walking ability of patients with separatist movements in paradox, and weight loss training emphasizes on foot in the real environment carries on the comprehensive training on foot, practicality, increase security.At the beginning, weight loss walking training was applied to patients with stroke and spinal cord injury. Patients could start weight loss walking training when they did not have sufficient weight bearing capacity in lower limbs, and traditional gait training was not required until they could walk, which was obviously in line with the concept of early stroke rehabilitation.Maintenant, it has been widely used in the clinic of cerebral apoplexy.

There are two kinds of training equipment commonly used in weight-reducing gait training, namely weight-reducing device and moving plate.The weight reduction device mainly includes fixed support frame, weight reduction console, electric lifting rod and weight reduction sling.The weight reduction console controls the rise and fall of the electric lifting lever. With the rise of the lifting lever, the patient is gradually lifted up, the lower limb weight is reduced, and the reduced weight can be displayed on the weight reduction console.The active tablet is used for walking training for weight-losing patients. The running time, speed and slope of the tablet can be adjusted according to needs.

And that’s the end of weight loss gait training.

équipement de réadaptation médicale barres parallèles

équipement de réadaptation médicale barres parallèles

weight reduction gait training

Équipement de physiothérapie
Rééducation de la marche
Réadaptation des membres supérieurs
Réadaptation des membres inférieurs
Réadaptation du corps entier
Réadaptation des enfants
Rééducation des doigts
Série CPM
Série de tables de traitement
Lit de traction lombaire et cervical
Masque médical

congélateur de vaccin
Congélateur basse température

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